Commercial Medical Laboratory Flooring Solutions From Vector Concepts


In medical labs where procedures like clinical testing, anatomical pathology, microbiology, or blood extraction take place, medical laboratory flooring has to keep up with constant, time-sensitive, and rigorous demands.


Clinical laboratories in hospitals are always adapting to new technologies, genetics pathology, and the increasing automation of tasks. High-quality medical flooring systems can support and contribute to the efficiency of a medical facility and the continuing efforts to keep the facility contaminant-free. Laboratory floor coatings have features like bacteriostatic properties, static dissipation, and chemical resistance which can definitely contribute to your laboratory’s efficiency.

commercial medical laboratory flooring

Keeping Up with Laboratory Demands

Because there are a lot of things going on in diagnostic labs, they are very sensitive places. These labs need to be able to process biocides and chemicals while still keeping up with standards regarding health and hygiene. Vector’s custom floor systems can provide the clean and hygienic lab floors that the lab’s operations and personnel depend on.


These medical laboratory flooring solutions are a great fit for a busy space in need of contamination control. They are great for biohazard areas because they can resist chemicals and biocides. The finishes of the flooring systems and stain-resistant, which reduces the need for frequent cleanings. Your personnel can rush around without fear of slipping because these lab floors are slip resistant. These floors are also able to resist damage from high foot and equipment traffic as well as damage from impact. Importantly, these floors can also help maintain a good air quality in the area.


Low Maintenance Custom Flooring

Vector Concepts offers high-performing custom concrete options with creating a bacteriostatic lab environment in mind. Because these flooring systems are seamless and very easy to decontaminate, bacteria will have no chance to grow and multiply in cracks and crevices.


These medical flooring systems for laboratories are made to make your facility look good as well as be safe. They also do not cost much to maintain and offer great value. Vector offers a lot of options and features for your flooring needs which inhibit the growth and proliferation of microbes and bacteria. We have Quick Curing Coatings, which only take two hours to set. Low Odor and No Odor Coatings can help maintain the air quality in your lab, while Abrasion Resistant Finishes enable medical laboratory flooring to withstand high foot and equipment traffic.



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